
Version 23.07.22

23.07.22 Changelog

  • New Content (MAJOR UPDATE)
    • New Scenes
      • Sarina’s Deflowering Ceremony
      • Grace fingering herself to orgasm
      • Mercy fingering herself to orgasm
      • Helda fingering herself to orgasm
    • New Dialogue
      • Salem 1969 Church
      • The Thief now has dialogue if you talk to her after having attacked her.
      • Grace as your companion is more aware of her surroundings and will make comments directing players to visit Salem with her.
  • Fixed
    • Irritating graphical glitch during the loading screen which would show part of the battle map being loaded on the left and top edges of the screen.
    • Killing an enemy makes the side menu disappear. It will return if player talks to another NPC or exits the map.
    • Pressing ESC will cause the slide out menu to disappear but won’t load the main menu.
  • Known Issues
    • If a player kills a character and loots clothing, the clothing pop-up may not disappear before a quest update pop-up is triggered, causing the quest pop-up to not appear. The quest update will still be activated, however, and the information about the quest update will still show in the Quest Scroll.
    • Changing the display from windowed mode to fullscreen will cause any currently playing video to disappear. Changing a video scene angle will restore the video.
    • Completed quests do not award experience at this time.