Deyo was a HUGE help beta testing the major changes to the scripting system and helping me crush a lot of bugs!
MAJOR backend code revision to significantly improve scripting and dialogue speeds and stability.
New dialogue lines loaded up to 10 times faster.
Game will no longer hang or error out from certain script typos which used to occur frequently.
Clicking on an NPC in the battle map would often cause a graphical error in the health orb.
Kronos token would sometimes disappear after a time rewind, and players would be unable to move.
Game would sometimes freeze at the beginning of encounters.
Escape key would sometimes not switch between the main menu and the game screen.
And invisible copy of the current companion would exist at Castle Kronos. S-s-s-spooky!
Blue and red fairy options would be available, even when the options should not have been.
The scene with Billie would not play out to completion. There was a “To Be Continued” left in the code.
Game would freeze if an image was missing. Now it will display an error image, unless that image is missing, in which case you’re fucked.
The scroll image from the overworld maps would appear near the NPC character portraits when clicking on them in the battle maps.
Some typos.
Known Issues
Changing the display from windowed mode to fullscreen will cause any currently playing video to disappear. Changing a video scene angle will restore the video.
Completed quests do not award experience at this time. This will be added in a future update.