Expanded conversation with several characters, including two new secret scenes!
New Clothes (lootable)
Brittany: red babydoll 1
Brittany: pink babydoll
Helda: black fishnets
Helda: brown corset
Reduced price for several items and increased loot on two characters.
Crash bug when talking to Helda in the forest.
Known Issues
Game crashes when trying to change the speed of the scene videos.
Issues with clothing/face layers appearing correctly on the selected companion while in the Castle Kronos map. Working on a patch to correct this problem.
Erogenous Zones are not working in the Castle Kronos map. Working on a patch to correct this problem.
Pressing ESC to bring up the main menu only works once. After that, players can only bring up the main menu by using the menu button in the side panel.
Changing the display from windowed mode to fullscreen will cause any currently playing video to disappear. Changing a video scene angle will restore the video.
Completed quests do not award experience at this time. This will be added in a future update.