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0.905.2 Changelog
- New Content
- New Time Echos:
- Mercy (Gang-banged)
- Mercy (Anal)
- Fixed
- MINOR: Some additional crashes at random locations
- Fixed some typos
- Known Issues
- In order to see a newly captured girl in the wardrobe menu, players will need to visit either Castle Kronos or the Courtyard first, depending on where that character is located.
- Many sections of code were modified or rewritten to accommodate the new Companion System. Please report anything that previously worked but is now problematic to the Discord channel.
- There may be some issues with triggering events during the quest “The Mermaid Hunter”. These issues will be addressed in the next update.
- Pressing ESC to bring up the main menu only works once. After that, players can only bring up the main menu by using the menu button in the side panel.
- Changing the display from windowed mode to fullscreen will cause any currently playing video to disappear. Changing a video scene angle will restore the video.
- Completed quests do not award experience at this time. This will be added in a future update.
- Clicking on a character will sometimes not display the character name and health above the character’s head the first time.