As the winner of the March beauty contest, Zoe was given a brand new red combat outfit! This outfit is immediately unlocked and is available as soon as you bring Zoe back to your castle.
MAJOR: Zoom has been improved to use the same right-click system for the paperdoll clothing screen, the scenes, and the battle map character portraits. This creates a more consistent and intuitive UI. Right-click to zoom. Right-click again to un-zoom.
Bugs Fixed
Restored the ability to strip Hera on Mount Olympus.
Known Issues
Enemies don’t always attack when they should. Fleeing enemies will stop moving once they leave the screen.
Players are able to strip NPCs again and again without ending their turn.
If Energy amount exceeds Max Energy, the meter will extend outside of the area.
Players can purchase and find new clothing items even if they have already been purchased or found. This does not affect gameplay but may lead players to think they found something new when they already have it.
When Zoe or Brittany are following you they do not appear on any other strategic maps you travel to. This does not affect gameplay but will be fixed.
Battles with the rogue and Heracles still use the old text-based battle system. Will be updated.