As the Titan of Time, you have more than just the power of time travel at your disposal. And as you travel to different time periods and locations, you will acquire new powers to aid your quest.

Time Rewind
Reset a timeline to the state when you first traveled there. This will reset all of your interactions as well. Dead enemies and characters come back to life, and girls you scared away don’t know you anymore.

Time Travel
Jump to another time and place. From the Strategic Grid, activate this by clicking on Kronos and selecting Powers. You can also choose Time Selection from the Main Menu.

Time Accelerate
When the moment is right, Kronos has the option to use this power to quickly move through time to capture someone or accelerate an enemy’s aging process.

Soul Steal
This power allows Kronos to attempt to capture a girl and send her to Castle Kronos at the End of Time. Due to special rules of the power, Kronos will have to fully strip a girl before he can make an attempt.

Eagle Eye Her Cherry
When you are viewing a scene, or a girl’s portrait, or a girl in the paperdoll clothing menu, you can zoom in on any part of the girls by right-clicking on them! Then, when you want to see the big picture again, right-click!

Hebe’s Fountain
This supporter bonus perk gives you the Titan Power to change the ages of the women Kronos encounters. Use this feature in the Bonus Patreon menu.

Hyper Levitation
This supporter bonus perk gives you the Titan Power to float quickly around any world map. Activate this option in the Bonus Menu, then use the arrow keys to fly anywhere in the world!

Midas’ Touch
This supporter bonus perk gives you the Titan Power to create currency and energy out of thin air! Use this feature in the Bonus Patreon menu.

Mind Control
Bonus Power for Level 2+ supporters. From the Strategic Grid, activate this power on certain girls and manipulate their minds so they call you whatever you want!

Not officially a Titan Power, this ability allows you to remove clothing from an enemy or another character up to 5 times. Just click on the character and select Strip!