I need help troubleshooting a problem
Please visit the Troubleshooting section of the Game Guide.
Does this game cost money?
Kronos Time Titan is currently in development and supported by players on Patreon and SubscribeStar. Paid supporters can use the game launcher’s built-in updating system to easily patch to the latest version of the game, which is normally updated at least twice a month. In addition, supporters may also benefit from other added perks as appreciation for their support. There is a free version of the game distributed outside of the game launcher system.
Why don’t you develop the game using this other game engine instead of the one you’re using? I think it would be better.
There are a lot of different game engines available, but based on my programming knowledge and experience, and my vision for the game, this is the one I decided to write. I realize 90% of all adult, NSFW games are written in a popular visual novel engine, and I realize it is very easy to use, which is why there are so many of those games out there, but there are just too many features I want to include that simply aren’t possible with that other engine.
This game is not as good as that other game on Patreon. You should make it more like that game.
The game you’re thinking of has likely been in development for years longer than Kronos and has a budget 10-50 times larger. I am one developer who is currently spending the majority of her monthly earnings from Kronos on assets and other tools. If you would like to help support development, you are absolutely welcome to share your ideas about the game.