To celebrate our new Game Launcher which can update to the latest version with the click of the mouse, we are giving away at least 10 lifetime accounts to the currently beta, Patreon-supported Kronos Time Titan!
Right now, this is the only way to get a lifetime account, as these are not being sold and the only way to play the latest updates is by becoming a Patreon supporter.
However, if you are one of the lucky winners, you will receive permanent access to the latest updates, with no need to become a paying supporter to play.
Starting April 10, one person with the following Tweet will be randomly selected each day! So the sooner you enter to win, the more chances you’ll have! At least 10 winners will be selected from the 10th through the 20th, with additional winners added based on the level of interest.
Remember, it costs nothing to enter to win, but you MUST be 18+ in order to play Kronos Time Titan. Winners will be contacted via DM on Twitter.
To enter, please read EVERYTHING above this message, then send a Tweet with this message. You can click the link, or cut and paste:
An erotic adult RPG strategy adventure through time! #KronosTimeTitan Become a supporter and play weekly updated beta versions at
Or, click HERE to have it automatically filled in for you.
Good luck, and thank you for being a supporter of this rapidly developing strategic RPG adventure!